Thursday, July 11, 2013

Brian Mclaren is a Fucking Idiot.

"Standard, normative, historic, so-called orthodox Christian theology has been a theology of empire, a theology of colonialism, a theology that powerful people used as a tool to achieve and defend land theft, exploitation, domination, superiority, and privilege."

And, in true Mclarenesque form, an appended, smooth, mysterious evasion:

"Of course, [this] may be a false accusation. But it may not."


At this point we know what side you are leaning towards Satan, please just grow even a modest pair of testicles and blaspheme openly.

Post-colonialist readings of history are a joke and a disaster. There is simply NO WAY you can even remotely understand the dogmatic formulations of the Incarnation of Christ, his hypostatic union, the communicatio idiomatum, the Trinity, the filioque, the doctrines of grace etc.. etc.. as "theologies of empire" or "colonialism." I would be darn tootin intrigued to hear someone seriously relate the doctrine that Christ's mind is both human and divine to land theft, or the eternal truth that the Holy Spirit proceeds both from the Father and the Son as a device for exploiting black people. Seriously, who are these buffoons and whence did they acquire the power and privilege to exist without political persecution? I hope they are soon put to death.

Justin Martyr was scribbling his thoughts on the divinity of Christ and the authenticity of the gospel over against the Jews as Christians were getting bludgeoned by the empire. Athanasius was exiled and held in contempt by the world for his ideas, and Augustine had to work his ass off not to start an anti-Christian riot in Rome after Aleric stepped in and went apeshit.

Arise, Oh Lord, defend the honor of your word against these snakes.