Monday, November 1, 2010


The Argument: Language is a dynamic art. I am committed to the perpetual discipline of honoring its archaisms and traditions just as I am committed to adapting and even creating some forms of my own. In particular, the creation of words expresses my belief in the glorious liberty of the children of God. Our Father in Heaven, He who has redeemed us from all sin and death through Jesus Christ, continues to present this world and its divers objects to us anew to "see what name we would give to them" (cf. Gen.2:19). The art of contributing to the development of language is available to all, as can be seen in the simple phenomena of "anti-language"; or the usage of familiar terms and phrases in a new manner so as to hide the meaning from the public. This is naturally one simple aspect of language development among many. One may note that among friends, family units, townships or even most especially broad social networks the adaptation of human speech is constantly underway. My cousins on the farm in Manitoba refer to the inner skeleton of the haybale as the "carcasse". This term has no linguistic recognition in the formal agricultural lexicon, and is thus entirely private. But if you get the opportunity to open up a haybale with a pitch fork you may find that no word more aptly expresses the texture of a freshly exposed core. In a more professional dimension, you might pick up any work by the psychologist Viktor Frankl and see that in every chapter, he is un-ashamedly coining terms and phrases to better understand and inculcate the sundry issues and concepts encountered in his profession. Words that have forever stuck with me that derive from his work are: logotherapy, the will to meaning, noological, paradoxical intention, and existential vacuum. The following are my contributions to this blessed art, no doubt with many infantile stammerings and first tries. Some were made in spontaneous collaboration with friends and co-workers (as shall be noted) and others solely by me. I already have intended, and do intend to continue using them in my common speech without apology or sheepishness. Feel free to take them up and adopt them in your speech as well, if you so desire.

Barnacious: An adjective pertaining to: 1.The study of agriculture. 2. The study of barn culture and architecture. 3. The study of agricultural terms. 4. Any object or phenomena which is proper to a barn. 5. A person who delights in farming.

Clamastruous: An adjective pertaining to the devastation of ones social reputation and status in toto.

Malgabrious: Mal-Gab-rious. Adj. Describing a person given to the habit of gossiping maliciously about others. Vrb. Malgab-ing. Nn. Malgaber-s. Variant, plural: Malgabracity. Cf. Jim West.

Modarrogant: Mod-arrogant. Adj. 1.Describing a person who is moderately arrogant. 2. Describing a person who demonstrates his arrogance via false modesty. Modarrogance. (I am indebted to friend Matt Peters for contributing to the development of this word).

revelatio ab perditio: A personal and existential unveiling of ones own pernicious and damnable character. Not to be confused with Revelatio ab Perditio which is a work of God's revelation in faith alone.

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